
Robert D. Schulzinger, The Johnson Administration, China, and th

Robert D. Schulzinger, The Johnson Administration, China, and the Vietnam War, in Robert S. Ross and Jiang Changbin ed. Re-examining the Cold War: U.S.-China diplomacy, 1954-1973, Cambridge, M.A.: Harvard University Press, 2001, 238-261 ジ…

Yafeng Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy

Yafeng Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy: U.S.-China Talks during the Cold War, 1949-1972, Indiana University Press, 2006, 123-134.

Yafeng Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy

Yafeng Xia, Negotiating with the Enemy: U.S.-China Talks during the Cold War, 1949-1972, Indiana University Press, 2006, 1-11,106-122.


柴田哲孝『下山事件―最後の証言』(祥伝社、2005年) 森達也『下山事件―シモヤマケース』(新潮社、2004年) 諸永裕司『葬られた夏』(朝日新聞社、2002年) 近年、新証言を盛り込み、元陸軍軍属による他殺説の立場にたった下山事件研究が相次いで上梓されて…

Victor S. Kaufman, Confronting Communism, Ch5.6

Victor S. Kaufman, Confronting Communism: U.S. and British Policies toward China, University of Missouri Press, 2001, Preface, Chp. 5 and 6, pp.123-171

Qiang Zhai, China & The Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975Ch6.

Qiang Zhai, China & The Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975, Chapel Hill; The University of North Carolina Press, 2000, Ch6, 130-156

Qiang Zhai, China & The Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975, Ch5

Qiang Zhai, China & The Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975, Chapel Hill; The University of North Carolina Press, 2000, Ch5, 112-129

Qiang Zhai, China & The Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975. Ch1-4

Qiang Zhai, China & The Vietnam Wars, 1950-1975, Chapel Hill; The University of North Carolina Press, 2000, Ch1-4, 10-111




産経新聞2006年8月31日 ≪【台北=長谷川周人】 台湾の国連加盟問題が、9月の国連総会で取り上げられるのかどうかをめぐり関心が高まっているが、台湾(中華民国)が1971年10月に国連を脱退する前の69年、すでに政権の座を降りていた岸信介元首相が…

Herbert P. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan

Herbert P. Bix, Hirohito and the Making of Modern Japan, Perennial, 2001 As Bix said, what Hirohito said and did was, more or less, self-protection after the war. He was afraid of sever Imperial House that have lasted over 2600 years. Howe…


Sampson, Anthony. The Seven Sisters: The Great Oil Companies and the World They Shaped. New York: Viking Press, 1975.Burton I. Kaufman, The Oil Cartel Case: A Documentary Study of Antitrust Activity in the Cold War Era, Greenwood Press 197…