
Kodama Yoshio, 4801-4845

Kodama Yoshio, 4801-4845

Arisue, 9041-9073

Arisue Seiozo, 9041-9073

Arisue Seiozo, 9018-9040

Arisue Seiozo, 9018-9040

Kawabe, 9388-9412: Arisue, 8987-9018

Kawabe Torashiro, 9388-9412 Arisue Seizo, 8987-9018

Tatsumi, 4540-4584

Tatsumi Eiichi, 4540-4584

Tatsumi, 4460-4540

Tatsumi Eiichi 4460-4540

Gordon H. Chang, Friends and Enemies, Ch.1

Gordon H. Chang, Friends and Enemies: The United States, China, and the Soviet Union, 1948-1972, Stanford University Press, 1990, Ch.1, pp.5-41.


四国新聞 2006年8月12日 http://www.shikoku-np.co.jp/national/detailed_report/article.aspx?id=20060812000263 【ワシントン12日共同】「河辺機関」に関する米公文書の要旨は次の通り。 ▽1949年5月20日付メモ1(秘密、発信者、受信者は…

Tatsumi Eiichi, 4382-4460

Tatsumi Eiichi, 4382-4460

記事:CIA documents show how it broke law

CIA documents show how it broke law CNN News June 22, 2007 http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/06/22/cia.secrets.ap/index.html?eref=rss_topstories WASHINGTON (AP) -- Little-known documents now being made public detail illegal and scandalous a…

CDF,50-54 693.94, 5426-5435

CDF,50-54 693.94, 5426-5435

Preston, The War Council, Ch8

Andrew Preston, The War Council: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC, and Vietnam(Cambridge:MA, Harvard University Press, 2006), Ch8.191-207

Preston, The War Council, Ch7

Andrew Preston, The War Council: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC, and Vietnam(Cambridge:MA, Harvard University Press, 2006), Ch7.156-190

Preston, The War Council, Ch6.

Andrew Preston, The War Council: McGeorge Bundy, the NSC, and Vietnam(Cambridge:MA, Harvard University Press, 2006), Ch6.129-155.


加藤哲郎「国際情報戦の中のゾルゲ=尾崎秀実グループ」(『 労働運動研究』復刊第14号、2006年8月)http://homepage3.nifty.com/katote/mongol.html